Warning, all photos were shot on my old Nikon D60. Please do not cry since the megapixels are not as juicy and glamorous. I understand if you feel the need to throw your computer out the window, but please refrain. I'm not paying for that sh**.
Just got back from a quick trip down to Puerto Rico to visit my good friends Laura and Victor. I was lucky enough to get on a boat and explore some cay's and mangrove islands with Laura and her cousin, enjoy some waterfalls in the rain forest with Victor, attempt surfing con todos mis amigos, and of course was smart enough to forget to apply sunscreen to all parts of my body. After that a layover in Charlotte was best spent getting some BBQ at Midwood Smokehouse
I recommend trying the dish that represents myself very accurately, The Hot Mess,
"The Hot Mess Our custom chuck & brisket burger patty with creamy bacon jalapeño spread, Monterey Jack and caramelized onions on a bun. +Make it a Hotter Mess + 2 Bacon wrapped jalapeño" - Midwood Smokehouse
A few thousand calories later I enjoyed some coloring at a twenty-two, a bar that had some dope art and also of course.... cool furniture. Expected something else? Well of course they had beer that tasted good, so why would I bring that up, but looks like I did. I just ruined my own joke. This is going nowhere. If you're still reading this post props to you, and I recommend you leaving a comment of what your favorite animal is below.
It was real, it was fun, but it was not real fun when I boarded my final plane to Denver and they forgot the pilots.